Aquatiz has developed the Eshion flushing system, pioneering the design of low-tank smart toilets and leading the way in flat-panel smart toilet integration.

Aquatiz has developed the Eshion flushing system, pioneering the design of low-tank smart toilets and leading the way in flat-panel smart toilet integration. This innovation earned Aquatiz the 2nd Prize of the 2021 Technology Award from the China Building Ceramics Association.

Addressing Market Pain Points through Research and Development

This project targets two major limitations of existing smart toilets in the market. Firstly, traditional high-tank toilets that rely on gravitational potential energy for flushing suffer from poor aesthetics and lack of comfort. Secondly, tankless flush toilets, while reducing the height of the toilet aesthetically, generate loud flushing noise and are highly affected by water pressure, leading to poor flushing performance under low pressure. Based on these product usage defects and technical challenges, Aquatiz embarked on pioneering research and development in the flushing platform, resulting in the creation of the innovative flushing technology platform - Eshion.

Aquatiz has developed the Eshion flushing system, pioneering the design of low-tank smart toilets and leading the way in flat-panel smart toilet integration. This innovat (1).jpg

A Comprehensive Breakthrough from Appearance to Performance

The Eshion flushing platform not only overcomes the limitations of external tank appearance but also optimizes flushing performance and reduces flushing noise, representing a comprehensive upgrade of existing technologies.

Aquatiz has developed the Eshion flushing system, pioneering the design of low-tank smart toilets and leading the way in flat-panel smart toilet integration. This innovat (.jpg

Aquatiz has developed the Eshionsystem, pioneering the design of low-tank smart toilets and leading the way in flat-panel smart toilet integration. This innovat.jpg

Specific innovations include:

Flat Appearance

Aquatiz discards the traditional bulky exposed high-tank design and adopts a globally pioneering water routing system. By improving the tank valve body, the water tank is positioned below the toilet seat surface, creating a genuinely slim toilet seat cover and a flat-shaped smart toilet. The thickness of the cover can be reduced to below 70mm, setting a new industry record. This technological innovation also provides a foundation for the realization of various bathroom styles.

Dual Power Technology

Eshion utilizes both the potential and kinetic energy of water to flush the toilet, resulting in better flushing performance while effectively conserving water resources and significantly reducing flushing noise compared to toilets that rely solely on water kinetic energy. The main flush is not affected by water pressure, ensuring excellent flushing performance.

Silent Flushing

Eshion utilizes potential energy water as the main flush, avoiding the problem of loud flushing noise associated with direct flushing, thus achieving silent flushing. The flushing noise can reach L10≤60 decibels, L50≤50 decibels, solving the problem of loud noise during nighttime toilet use and greatly improving flushing performance.

No Water Pressure Requirement

Eshion achieves purely mechanical non-electric flushing, unaffected by water pressure restrictions, addressing the pain point of ineffective flushing under low water pressure and eliminating concerns about high-rise buildings and peak water usage periods.

Wide Application

The Eshion flushing system, with its superior performance, has further enhanced user experience and has been widely promoted and adopted, becoming the choice of many users and brand merchants in the market.